Rachel Richards

licensed massage therapist

east village, nyc

News: January 2017

Massage for Addictions ... ?

The third week in January is National Non-Smoking Week (in Canada). Quitting is tough, but I bet you didn't know that massage therapy might help to ease the process. A national study is currently underway, examining how massage therapy, acupuncture, and chiropractic can help people with tobacco addiction.

It is logical to theorize that massage therapy is an effective intervention for smokers looking to quit, because massage has been found to help with other addictions as well. One study found chair massage to significantly reduce anxiety in patients withdrawing from psychoactive drugs. Another study concluded that massage therapy is effective in decreasing the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal syndrome.

Massage therapy even helps people with eating disorders, which some consider a form of addiction. (There is discussion about eating disorders and addiction at the end of my book, Hungry for Life.) One study found that adolescents hospitalized for eating disorders rated massage therapy as the most helpful of inpatient protocols. In a study involving patients with anorexia nervosa, participants who received massage therapy "demonstrated reduced eating concerns ... and experienced a sense of calmness and relaxation."

In another study anorexic patients who were given massage therapy "... reported lower stress and anxiety levels and had lower cortisol (stress) hormone levels following massage. Over the five-week treatment period, they also reported decreases in body dissatisfaction on the Eating Disorder Inventory and showed increased dopamine and norepinephrine levels." Those are neurotransmitters that regulate mood (among other things) and cause depression when levels are low.

So let's all celebrate Canada's National Non-Smoking Week by getting massages. Maybe quitting won't be such a pain in the butt!

Click here for more information on eating disorders and to read about my personal battle with anorexia.

Relieve tight shoulders with self-massage!

Tight shoulders - we all have them! Stress and anxiety, sitting for hours at a computer, fatigue, and depression are just some of the reasons for shoulder tension, discomfort, and pain. Follow along with this simple, yet dynamic, self-massage that will release shoulder tension and improve posture. You'll be surprised to find out how relaxed your shoulders will be!


What's new with me ...

My book is selling well, and I was ecstatic to get some great reviews!

I bought myself a new massage table for the holidays. Come try it out!

We had fun celebrating the holidays - especially Sienna. She had a blast performing in her school holiday concert, seeing her family, and getting lots of presents.

We also took Sienna to her first movie, Moana. In the middle of the movie, Sienna told me to take her ponytails out right away. She wanted her hair to look just like Moana's.

Check out all the fun holiday photos!

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